At Apollo Care, we know how challenging your situation might be. That’s why we aim to help you in every way possible. Learning more about caring for your loved ones and understanding their situation will only enrich their lives and empower them more.

nicola with certificate

More Training Completed!

More Training Completed!Meet Nicola Miles. Nicola started with me 2 years ago. Nicola is dedicated to her role here at Apollo Care. Nothing is ever too much trouble for her.…
pictures from the lunch

Ladies Who Lunch!

Ladies Who Lunch!I wanted to tell you about a lovely afternoon that I had with Nicola Miles at the Ladies Charity Lunch. This was to raise money for Woodlands Hospice.…
liverpool giant

The Return Of The Giants

The Return Of The GiantsWirral and Liverpool were bracing themselves last week for the return of the famous street theatre company Royal De Luxe marionette puppets. The third part of…
team at north liverpool with a client

October In North Liverpool….

October In North Liverpool….I wanted to write this month about our wonderful care conference. This was all arranged by head office. There are 3 teams on the Wirral and 4…
picture of room at the awards

And The Winner Is….

And The Winner Is….Well a whole year has passed since we celebrated our first Apollo Care Conference. It was that time again last week, when the certificates had been printed…
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It’s A Numbers Game…

It’s A Numbers Game…I was driving to work and listening to the radio the other day, when an advert came on.  It was all about statistics for a certain company. …

Where Does The Time Go?

Where Does The Time Go?How many times do we hear people say that about all kinds of things? Well, it’s certainly true about our summer holidays. It only seems like…
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Thank You For The Music

Thank You For The MusicAfter what seemed like a very long wait, I finally got to see the sequel to one of my favourite films… Mamma Mia. It did not…
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The Changing Face Of The High Street

The Changing Face Of The High StreetMarks and Spencer!   House of Fraser!   Waitrose!  Poundworld! Toys R Us! What is happening to our High Street?  The headlines of our newspapers and…
happy birthday

101 Years Ago…

101 Years Ago…One of our West Wirral Clients recently celebrated a special birthday… she turned 101 years young! In recognition of this amazing achievement we have looked back at the…

We Did It!!

We Did It!!Apollo Care South Wirral are delighted to announce that we have been rated GOOD in ALL areas by the Care Quality Commission. The Registered Manager Suzanne Janvier announced…