happy birthday

101 Years Ago…

One of our West Wirral Clients recently celebrated a special birthday… she turned 101 years young!

In recognition of this amazing achievement we have looked back at the year that she was born…1917….

The year was dominated by the First World War

Monarch–  Edward V11

Prime Minister– Henry Campbell Bannerman ~ Libral


For All Eternity

Little Women


The Cost of a Kiss


Sport– lots of events were cancelled this year because of WW1

Music–  Over there by Nora Bayes was hugely popular

Famous people born this year-

Dixie Dean

Daphne Du Maurier

Laurence Olivier

John Wayne

Katherine Hepburn

Dame Vera Lynn

Famous people who died this year-

Micheal Marks (of M&S fame)

C W Alcock

Sir Benjamin Baker

M E Coleridge

Literature and the Arts-

Florence Nightingale becomes the First Woman to receive the “order of merit” for nursing during the Crimean War

In December, Rudyard Kipling wins Nobel Prize for Literature.

The Longest Journey is published by E M Foster

Father and Son is published by Edmund Gosse

Goblin Island is published by Elsie J Oxenham

Major News Stories

Feb 1917…Eperdemic of meningitis in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Belfast

July…the guardians of the Irish Crown Jewels notice they have been stolen!

The UKs first powered airship makes her first flight from Farnborough to London in 3 hours 25 minutes.

In November the Cullinan diamond is presented to Edward V11 for his birthday

Fun Facts-

The old Baily criminal courts open in London

First taxi cabs are seen in London

The first motor racing track opens in June

First scout camp on Brownsea Ireland

The National Trust acquires its first large English Country House in Somerset

An initiation of a system of free places in Grammar schools in England and Wales is introduced

The average house cost £195.00 which equates to approximately £16,000 in today economy.

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